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Sell Your Goods With No Friction, No Fuss, No Fees.

If you're a public-facing business and you can answer yes to these two questions, then the article below will change your life. Literally...

13 Jun 2022

by Team Nimiq

4 min

If you're a public-facing business and you can answer yes to these two questions, then the article below will change your life.

  1. Do you want to accept fast, frictionless payments with no fee? Ever?
  2. Do you want to be in complete control of your money? At all times? With no exception?

If you can answer yes to those two questions, then read on, because this will change how you do business forever.

Up until now, cryptocurrencies have been missing use cases. While theoretically heralding a new kind of money, a new dawn of finance, instead they've become an investment tool.

People buy some bitcoin, buy some eth, and sit and watch to see if the numbers go up or go down.

But we at Nimiq have never thought like that. We at Nimiq have always had our eye on ways to use crypto to improve lives, to make business easier, to make sure that your money belongs to you - and only you. And that you can access it - and use it - no matter where you are in the world. Without waiting. And without having to pay for the privilege. Which is why we've come up with a brand new, never-been-done-before easy-to-use crypto payment app - - that you can use on your smartphone or tablet.

So your customers can pay in crypto: Bitcoin, Ethereum or Nimiq. As easily and as effortlessly as if they were paying with a credit card.

The ease of it is a thing of beauty.

And the fact that it's free? Well that's a thing of beauty too.

A tool for crypto adoption

At the moment, there are 18,000 businesses accepting payment in crypto. There are around 300 million people who own crypto. And 17 million people in the US alone who don't currently own crypto but declare themselves ready to use it to pay for goods and services. 

All this points to a fast growing trend for cryptocurrency to emerge from its raison d' etre as an investment tool, and to embed itself into mainstream society as a way that people are ready and willing to pay.

As Blythe Masters, CEO of Digital Assets Holding states:

"You should be taking this technology as seriously as you should have been taking the development of the Internet in the early 1990’s."

– Blythe Masters

Nimiq is, of course, known to provide the ONLY digital wallet that works without the need for ANY middleman. No coin exchange, no trusted third party. Wait, you may be saying. Isn't that what crypto has been anyway? Well, yes and no. Because no matter what, you still had to sign up to a crypto exchange to be able to buy and sell your crypto. You still had to establish your credentials, hook up a bank account or a credit card, prove you're who you say you are, log in to the system, and let yourself be tracked. But Nimiq changed that: with us, you can create a digital wallet in five clicks of your mouse. In under two minutes. And you don't have to jump through any hoops. That digital wallet that you just created is its own node on the blockchain; it's you. It's your crypto identity, and it lets you start sending money straight away.

But that's already old news. Now we're leaping ahead with new innovations to put crypto to work - and what better place to start than with a way for people to pay on-the-ground, at point of sale?

Which is why we came up with

Let's talk about a use case.

You run a restaurant. Your customer wants to pay in crypto. What happens when he wants to pay his bill?

Your waiter walks over with his or her tablet or smartphone, calls up the app, taps in the price of the meal - which is displayed in dollars as well as the BTC, ETH and/or NIM equivalent, as well as in QR code form - and hands the tablet to the customer.

The customer takes their smartphone, opens their digital wallet app, snaps the QR code, and the wheels turn.

Your waiter smiles at your customer. Your customer smiles back.

There's a delightful little ping within a minute, and payment is complete.

That's it.

And of course let's not forget that is completely free to use. Unlike using services like paypal or stripe, using crypto with Nimiq means that there's not a penny to pay.

Win-win, in other words.

One last thing:

When your employees use the app - which has your digital wallet address in it - they can't:

  1. See into your wallet - so your money stays private. Because everyone likes their privacy, right?
  2. Replace your digital wallet in the app with their own. Your digital wallet address is locked in.

There's no point in waiting until your competitor starts offering a way to pay quickly and cleanly in crypto before you accept the inevitable and decide to try it out too. Try out today, plug in your digital wallet address, and join the revolution.

Because accepting crypto in your business can now be easy. Can be frictionless. And without fees.

Pura Vida
Team Nimiq


None of the statements must be viewed as an endorsement or recommendation for Nimiq, any cryptocurrency, or investment product. Neither the information, nor any opinion contained herein constitutes a solicitation or offer by the creators or participants to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments or provide any investment advice or service. All statements contained in statements made in Nimiq’s web pages, blogs, social media, press releases, or in any place accessible by the public, and oral statements that may be made by Nimiq or project associates that are not statements of historical fact, constitute “forward-looking statements”. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause the actual future results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expected, expressed, or implied by such forward-looking statements. The final decision of implementing any changes to the Nimiq protocol, including its parameters, always remains with the decentralized node operators who agree what version and parameters to deploy and support.